Getting Started with the Android SDK
Before you begin
- Suggested Apps is supported on from 2.4.7 SDK version
- All ad units are supported on Android API 19 and above
- The integration is done by using Gradle preferences. Manual integration (AAR files) is supported, but we highly recommend using the automated Gradle option!
Latest version: (released on June 24, 2024)
Step 1: Add AppNext SDK to Your Project
Before updating a new SDK version, it is recommended to clear the Gradle cache and recompile the project.
Add the following to your appβs build.gradle file inside the repositories section:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
If you prefer to integrate manually, follow the Manual Download instructions.
Step 2: Add the AppNext Ad units
Add one or more dependencies for the Ad units you wish to use:
dependencies {
// For the Interstitial and Rewarded/Fullscreen video ad unit:
implementation 'com.appnext.sdk:ads:'
// For the Banners ad unit:
implementation 'com.appnext.sdk:banners:'
// For the New Native Ads and Suggested Apps ad unit:
implementation 'com.appnext.sdk:native-ads2:'
// For the Admob Adapter
implementation 'com.Appnext.sdk.adapters:admob-ads:'
implementation 'com.Appnext.sdk.adapters:admob-banners:'
// For the MAX-applovin Adapter
implementation 'com.appnext.sdk.adapters:max-ads:'
adding the Interstitial and fullscreen/rewarded
will be implemented in the following way:
dependencies {
// For the Interstitial and Rewarded/Fullscreen video ad unit:
implementation 'com.appnext.sdk:ads:'
Additional Requirements - Privacy Policy
At Appnext, we collect user data through our software development kit, APIs and similar technological solutions integrated in third-party mobile applications. This allows the tracking of mobile application use, installations and downloads, in addition to enabling the serving of advertising and personalized content, as described in our privacy policy.
Pursuant to Google Play policies, you must provide a privacy policy for your app, which will inform your users how your app collects, uses and shares user data, including the types of parties with whom the data is shared. Pursuant to Google Play policies, the privacy policy must be linked from within the app, and from the app's listing on Google Play.
We recommend that your privacy policy contain language materially similar to the following:
"We allow third-party companies to serve ads and collect certain anonymous information when you visit our app. These companies may use anonymous information such as your Google Advertising ID, your device type and version, browsing activity, location and other technical data relating to your device, in order to provide advertisements".
Done !
Now when you integrated AppNext SDK with your app,
Go ahead and implement an ad unit!
Updated 9 months ago
Integrate an Ad unit or an adapter