Rewarded and Fullscreen Video

Appnext Android SDK - Rewarded and Fullscreen video ad unit

Ad unit Integration

Step 1 – Initialize the SDK

Initialize the SDK whenever your app is loaded. Add the following code to your app's main activity:


Step 2: Define a new Ad

Make sure to set your app's in the constructor of this class.

FullScreenVideo fullscreen_ad = new FullScreenVideo(this, ADD_HERE_YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID);


RewardedVideo rewarded_ad = new RewardedVideo(this, ADD_HERE_YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID);


New! Get the predicted ECPM value before loading the ad. Check out Appnext solution for in-app header bidding here.

Step 3: Loading an Ad






  • You must load the ad before showing it. In case the loadAd function was not called, the SDK will return an error - "ad not ready"
  • It may take time for an ad to load and be ready to show, depending on the user's internet speed. Make sure to load the ad as earlier as possible

Step 4: Showing the Ad

if (fullscreen_ad.isAdLoaded()){


if (rewarded_ad.isAdLoaded()){

Step 5 (optional): Callbacks

In order to receive client-side callbacks, import the following references:

import com.appnext.core.callbacks.OnAdLoaded;
import com.appnext.core.callbacks.OnAdOpened;
import com.appnext.core.callbacks.OnAdClicked;
import com.appnext.core.callbacks.OnAdClosed;
import com.appnext.core.callbacks.OnAdError;
import com.appnext.core.callbacks.OnVideoEnded;

Receive event callbacks from the SDK:


// Get callback for ad loaded
fullscreen.setOnAdLoadedCallback(new OnAdLoaded() {
   public void adLoaded(String bannerID,AppnextAdCreativeType creativeType) {

// Get callback for ad opened
fullscreen.setOnAdOpenedCallback(new OnAdOpened() {
   public void adOpened() {

// Get callback for ad clicked
fullscreen.setOnAdClickedCallback(new OnAdClicked() {
   public void adClicked() {

// Get callback for ad closed
fullscreen.setOnAdClosedCallback(new OnAdClosed() {
   public void onAdClosed() {

// Get callback for ad error
fullscreen.setOnAdErrorCallback(new OnAdError() {
   public void adError(String error) {
// Get callback when the user saw the video until the end (video ended)
fullscreen.setOnVideoEndedCallback(new OnVideoEnded() {
   public void videoEnded() {


// Get callback for ad loaded
rewarded_ad.setOnAdLoadedCallback(new OnAdLoaded() {
   public void adLoaded(String bannerID) {

// Get callback for ad opened
rewarded_ad.setOnAdOpenedCallback(new OnAdOpened() {
   public void adOpened() {
// Get callback for ad clicked
rewarded_ad.setOnAdClickedCallback(new OnAdClicked() {
   public void adClicked() {

// Get callback for ad closed
rewarded_ad.setOnAdClosedCallback(new OnAdClosed() {
   public void onAdClosed() {

// Get callback for ad error
rewarded_ad.setOnAdErrorCallback(new OnAdError() {
   public void adError(String error) {

// Get callback when the user saw the video until the end (video ended)
rewarded_ad.setOnVideoEndedCallback(new OnVideoEnded() {
   public void videoEnded() {

The possible errors we pass in the adError callback are (AdsError):

  • NO_ADS

Example for rewarded ad:

rewarded_ad.setOnAdErrorCallback(new OnAdError() {
   public void adError(String error) {
      switch (error){
         case AdsError.NO_ADS:
            Log.v("appnext", "no ads");
         case AdsError.CONNECTION_ERROR:
            Log.v("appnext", "connection problem");
            Log.v("appnext", "other error");

Example for fullscreen ad:

fullscreen_ad.setOnAdErrorCallback(new OnAdError() {
   public void adError(String error) {
      switch (error){
         case AppnextError.NO_ADS:
            Log.v("appnext", "no ads");
         case AppnextError.CONNECTION_ERROR:
            Log.v("appnext", "connection problem");
            Log.v("appnext", "other error");

Ad unit UX

Rewarded Video ad unit

The Rewarded ad unit includes three screens by default; pre-roll screen, roll screen and the post-roll screen.

  • The pre-roll screen offers the user an option to choose the rewarded video (configurable using the setMode setter). The user can click the right or the left video thumbnails. Clicking a thumbnail will start play the video. The selection is limited in time (configurable using the setMultiTimerLength setter). If no selection is made, a random selection of the video is made by the ad unit.
  • The roll screen is the screen that the rewarded video plays. In this screen, the user can click the call-to-action button. Clicking it once will change the button into a "V" icon, clicking it more will show a caption to the user, that a redirection to the store will happen once the video is ended. The caption is shown for 3 seconds by default (configurable using the setRollCaptionTime).
  • The post-roll screen is shown to the user once the video is ended. The user can close the ad, or choose to install the advertised app or other suggested apps.


Viewing the rewarded video

  • When using the rewarded video the user must see the entire video
  • When "normal" mode is used, only the roll and post-roll screens will be shown to the user
  • Clicking the "i" icon on the roll screen will show Appnext privacy policy landing page

The pre-roll screen with the video selection


The roll screen while playing


The post-roll screen

Fullscreen Video ad unit

The Fullscreen ad unit includes two screens; roll screen and post-roll scren

  • The roll screen - The roll screen is the screen that the fullscreen video plays. In this screen, the user can click the call-to-action button. Clicking the call-to-action button will launch the store (without waiting for the video to end). The user can also close the ad by clicking the "X" button. It is possible to delay the "X" button from showing (using the setShowClose setter)
  • The post-roll screen is shown to the user once the video is ended. The user can close the ad, or choose to install the advertised app or other suggested apps.
  • Clicking the "i" icon on the roll screen will show Appnext privacy policy landing page

The Fullscreen video roll-screen.


The Fullscreen video post-roll screen

Advanced Settings

Custom Configuration

By default, the SDK configuration will be loaded from Appnext's server. You can change the configuration directly by config or through the setter function.

Using Config

Change to each configuration (Fullscreen / Rewarded) should be made separately.
In order to use custom configuration, import the following class:



Define the ad unit's configuration instance:

FullscreenConfig config = new FullscreenConfig();

RewardedConfig config = new RewardedConfig();


FullscreenConfig config = new FullscreenConfig();

//or Rewarded
RewardedConfig config = new RewardedConfig();config.setMode(RewardedVideo.VIDEO_MODE_MULTI);

// you can alternatively set the property directly:
// config.categories = "category1,category2";
// config.postback = "postback";
// config.mute = false;
// config.videoLength = FullScreenVideo.VIDEO_LENGTH_DEFAULT;
// config.orientation = FullScreenVideo.ORIENTATION_DEFAULT;
// ... 

FullescreenVideo fullscreen_ad = new FullescreenVideo(this, placementID, config); 

//or Rewarded
RewardedVideo rewarded_ad = new RewardedVideo(this, placementID, config);CopyRawCancel

FullscreenConfig config = new FullscreenConfig();

Using Setters:


FullescreenVideo fullscreen_ad = new FullescreenVideo(this, placementID); 



RewardedVideo rewarded_ad = new RewardedVideo(this, placementID); 


List of configurable options:

Rewarded video mode setMode

Set the mode the rewarded ad unit will work in:

  • multi - with pre-roll video selection screen (default)
  • normal - without pre-roll video selection screen

Rewarded video video selection timer setMultiTimerLength

When "multi" mode is on, this function (setMultiTimerLength) sets the number of seconds to make a video selection. The function can accept values from 1 to 20. The default value is 8 seconds.

Roll screen caption time setRollCaptionTime

The number of seconds that the google play text caption is showing. The caption is shown to the user after clicking the Call-to-action button. The function (setRollCaptionTime) can accepts values from 1 to 20. The default value is 3 seconds. Entering -1 will make the caption visible until the video finish to play

Category setCategories

Set preferred ad categories

Install Postback setPostback

Postback parameters that will be posted to your server after user installed an app (make sure to encode the values)

Mute Video setMute

Mute the video which is played in the ad (the default value is "false")

  • true
  • false

Fullscreen - Show Close Button setShowClose(true,2000)

Display or hide the "x" (close) button

  • true
  • false
  • time in ms to delay the close button from showing - default value is 0

Video Length setVideoLength

Set video length - 15 or 30 seconds long (default is VIDEO_LENGTH_DEFAULT)

  • VIDEO_LENGTH_SHORT - Up to 15 seconds long videos
  • VIDEO_LENGTH_LONG - 20-60 seconds long videos
  • VIDEO_LENGTH_DEFAULT - Appnext's algorithm priority. Any available video campaign will be served


Please Note!

Please note that if no SHORT type length videos are available, long videos will be served

Orientation setOrientation

Set the preferred orientation if both landscape and portrait are supported by the application (default is ORIENTATION_DEFAULT). The ad unit displayed orientation cannot be changed by the user after the ad unit started.


Server-side Postback - Rewarded Video

You can choose to receive server-side postbacks whenever a user finishes watching a video ("video ended" event).The "video ended" event will serve as a trigger for the reward action.

Please note that in addition to configuring the postback in this integration process, you will also need to set your postback URL on the Appnext Self-Service platform (under the "Apps" page / app "Settings & Placements" / "Advanced Settings').

In order to receive the server-side postback on the "video ended" event, call the following functions before showing the ad:

//Transaction ID - make sure to set a unique transaction ID per ad view

//User ID - pass the User ID so you will know which user to reward

//Currency Type - type of reward (life / credit / points)

//Amount - the amount of currency that was rewarded

//Custom Parameters - pass any custom value / data
  • Make sure to encode all values passed in each function.
  • Passing value, for at least one parameter, is mandatory, for the server-side reward postback to be sent.

Example Project

You can download an example project (Android Studio) from our Github page here.

App Categories

1. Action
2. Adventure
3. Arcade
4. Arcade & Action
5. Board
6. Books & Reference
7. Brain & Puzzle
8. Business
9. Card
10. Cards & Casino
11. Casino
12. Casual
13. Comics
14. Communications
15. Education
16. Educational
17. Entertainment
18. Family
19. Finance
20. Health & Fitness
21. Libraries & Demo
22. Lifestyle
23. Live Wallpaper
24. Media & Video
25. Medical
26. Music
27. Music & Audio
28. News & Magazines
29. Personalization
30. Photography
31. Productivity
32. Puzzle
33. Racing
35. Shopping
36. Simulation
37. Social
38. Sports
39. Sports Games
40. Strategy
41. Tools
42. Travel & Local
43. Trivia
44. Weather
45. Word

Make sure to encode (%20) categories with more than 1 word, example: Travel%20%26%20Local

Integration Support

Should you have any problems integrating the product, log a ticket with us by emailing