
Adobe Air Banners ad unit


Before you begin!

Make sure that you have completed the Adobe Air Plugin installation before you begin integrating the Banners ad unit

Integrating the Banners ad unit

Step 1: Set the banner

var banner:Banner = new Banner("YOUR_APPNEXT_PLACEMENT_ID");
banner.setPosition(Banner.POSITION_CENTER | Banner.POSITION_BOTTOM);
banner.addEventListener(AdEvent.AD_LOADED, adLoadedHandler);

function adLoadedHandler(event: Event): void {;

Step 2: Configure the BannerAdRequest (Optional)

By default, the banner settings will be loaded with pre-defined settings. You can change these settings by defining the BannerAdRequest object

Setters that are relevant to all banner sizes:

  • setCategories - String. Set preferred ad categories
  • setPostback - String. Postback parameters that will be posted to your server after user installed an app (make sure to encode the values)

Setters that are relevant only to the MEDIUM_RECTANGLE banner size:

  • setCreativeType - The MEDIUM_RECTANGLE size can show video in addition to static creative. When video is in use, the file will be streamed (default value is ALL - managed by Appnext)
    • BannerAdRequest.TYPE_ALL
    • BannerAdRequest.TYPE_VIDEO
    • `BannerAdRequest.TYPE_STATIC*
  • setAutoPlay - Boolean. When a video is set in the creative, this setter defining if the video will autoplay or not (default value is false)
  • setMute - Boolean. When a video is set in the creative, this setter is defining if the video will start on muted volume or not. Un-mute/Mute button is located in the video creative. (default value is true - video is muted)
  • setVideoLength - When a video is set in the creative, this setter is defining the preferred length of the video. (default value is SHORT)
    • BannerAdRequest.VIDEO_LENGTH_SHORT - Up to 15 seconds long videos
    • BannerAdRequest.VIDEO_LENGTH_LONG - 20-60 seconds long videos
// All sizes example
BannerAdRequest banner_request = new BannerAdRequest();
       .setCategories("category1, category2")
       .setPostback("Postback string");
// ...

// MEDIUM_RECTANGLE size example
BannerAdRequest banner_request = new BannerAdRequest();
  .setCategories("category1, category2")
  .setPostback("Postback string")
// ...

Step 3: Banner Events

  • AdEvent.AD_LOADED - The banner was successfully loaded, and it’s ready to be shown to the user
  • AdEvent.AD_IMPRESSION - The banner was viewed by the user, and an impression was reported to Appnext
  • AdEvent.AD_CLICKED - The banner was clicked by the user
  • AdEvent.AD_ERROR - An error has occurred

The following possible errors can be passed in the AdEvent.AD_ERROR handler:

  • NoInternetConnection;
  • NoPlacementID;
  • AdNotReady;
  • PreparingViews;
  • LoadingAd;
  • NoAds;

App Categories

1. Action
2. Adventure
3. Arcade
4. Arcade & Action
5. Board
6. Books & Reference
7. Brain & Puzzle
8. Business
9. Card
10. Cards & Casino
11. Casino
12. Casual
13. Comics
14. Communications
15. Education
16. Educational
17. Entertainment
18. Family
19. Finance
20. Health & Fitness
21. Libraries & Demo
22. Lifestyle
23. Live Wallpaper
24. Media & Video
25. Medical
26. Music
27. Music & Audio
28. News & Magazines
29. Personalization
30. Photography
31. Productivity
32. Puzzle
33. Racing
34. Role Playing
35. Shopping
36. Simulation
37. Social
38. Sports
39. Sports Games
40. Strategy
41. Tools
42. Travel & Local
43. Trivia
44. Weather
45. Word

Integration Support

Should you have any problems integrating the product, log a ticket with us by emailing