Admob Adapter Installation
Android Admob Adapter Installation
- The Appnext AdMob Adapter supports Android API 26+ when building for Android
- The Appnext AdMob Adapter requires internet access to pull ads information for your app
Adapter Integration
Latest version: (released on February 20, 2024)
Using Gradle
Before updating a new SDK version, it is recommended to clear the Gradle cache and recompile the project.
Step 1: Define the root level gradle of the project
You need to paste it into the project gradle (Project integration App)
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
Step 2: Define in the module build.gradle
You need to paste to the module gradle (Module App)
You're done! Go ahead and choose an ad unit to integrate with the adapter!
dependencies {
implementation 'com.appnext.sdk.adapters:admob-ads:' // Mandatory for interstitial and fullscreen/rewarded video ad units
implementation 'com.appnext.sdk.adapters:admob-banners:' // Mandatory for banners ad unit
implementation '' // Mandatory
Manual Integration (Not Recommended)
Step 1: Download the ZIP file with the SDK and adapter AAR files
Download the AAR files from here
The ZIP file includes the following AAR files;
- The SDK coreAppnextAndroidSDKAds.aar
- For the interstitial and fullscreen/rewarded ad unitsAppnextAndroidSDKBanners.aar
- For the banners ad unitAppnextAndroidSDKNativeAds.aar
- For the native ads ad unitAppnextAndroidSDKActions.aar
- For the actions ad unitAppnextAndroidAdmobAdapterAds.aar
- The interstitial and fullscreen/rewarded ad units Admob adapterAppnextAndroidAdmobAdapterBanners.aar
- The banners ad unit Admob adapter
Step 2: Add the AAR files to Your Project
Extract the ZIP file and add the relevant AAR files to your "libs"
folder in your project;
- You must add the
file (make sure to add it only once) - Add other AAR files according to your relevant ad unit integration
- Add the relevant Mopub adapter AAR file accordingly
- All AAR files must be from the same version (download the latest ZIP file to be sure)
Ad the following code to the project's build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
flatDir {
dirs 'libs'
Step 3: Add the following code to the module's build.gradle
For example, adding the Ads
AAR with the adapter AAR file:
dependencies {
implementation name:'AppnextAndroidSDKCore.aar', ext:'aar' // Mandatory
implementation name:'AppnextAndroidSDKAds.aar', ext:'aar'
implementation name:'AppnextAndroidAdmobAdapterAds.aar', ext:'aar'
implementation '' // Mandatory
Step 4: ProGuard
Exclude Appnext from your proguard by using the line:
-keep class com.appnext.** { *; }
-dontwarn com.appnext.**
You're done! Go ahead and choose an ad unit to integrate with the adapter!
Example Project
You can download an example project (Android Studio) from here.
Updated about 1 year ago