Manual Integration

(Not recommended)

Step 1: Get SDK files

Download the ZIP file containing the included AAR files listed below:

  • Appnext
    • AppnextAndroidSDKCore.aar - SDK core
    • AppnextAndroidSDKAds.aar - Interstitial and fullscreen/rewarded ad units
    • AppnextAndroidSDKBanners.aar - Banners ad unit
    • AppnextAndroidSDKNativeAds.aar - Native ads ad unit
  • Admob
    • AppnextAndroidAdmobAdapterAds.aar- Interstitial ad unit via Admob adapter
    • AppnextAndroidAdmobAdapterBanners.aar- Banners ad unit via Admob adapter
  • MAX
    • AppnextAndroidMaxAdapterAds.aar- Interstitial, Banners and Fullscreen ad unit via MAX adapter

Step 2: Add AAR files to Your Project

Extract the ZIP file and add the relevant AAR files to your "libs" folder in your project;

  • You must add the AppnextAndroidSDKCore.aar file (make sure to add it only once)

Step 3: Add the relevant AAR files to your project

  • Add the AAR files according to your relevant ad unit integration
  • All AAR files must be from the same version (download the latest ZIP file to be sure)
dependencies {
  implementation name:'AppnextAndroidSDKAds.aar', ext:'aar'
  implementation name:'AppnextAndroidSDKBanners.aar', ext:'aar'
  implementation name:'AppnextAndroidSDKNativeAds.aar', ext:'aar'
  implementation name:'AppnextAndroidSDKActions.aar', ext:'aar'
  implementation name:'AppnextAndroidAdmobAdapterAds.aar', ext:'aar'
  implementation name:'AppnextAndroidAdmobAdapterBanners.aar', ext:'aar'
  implementation name:'AppnextAndroidMaxAdapterAds.aar', ext:'aar'
  implementation name:'AppnextAndroidSDKCore.aar', ext:'aar' // Mandatory


adding the Interstitial and fullscreen/rewarded will be implemented in the following way:

dependencies {
  implementation name:'AppnextAndroidSDKAds.aar', ext:'aar' // Interstitial and fullscreen/rewarded
  implementation name:'AppnextAndroidSDKCore.aar', ext:'aar' // Mandatory

Step 4: Google Play Services

Add the following mandatory dependency to the dependencies section:

dependencies {
  implementation '' // Mandatory

Step 5: Work Manager

Add the following mandatory dependency to the dependencies section:

dependencies {
  implementation 'androidx.annotation:annotation:1.3.0' // Mandatory
  implementation ""  // Mandatory

Step 6: Glide Implementation

Add the following mandatory dependency to the dependencies section:

dependencies {
  implementation 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:4.12.0' // Mandatory
  annotationProcessor 'com.github.bumptech.glide:compiler:4.12.0' // Mandatory

Step 7: App Permissions and Services

Add the following app permissions to your Android manifest file:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK"/>

Step 8: Update the ProGuard Configuration

-keep class com.appnext.** { *; }
-dontwarn com.appnext.**

Done !

Now when you integrated AppNext SDK with your app,
Go ahead and implement an ad unit !