Change Log
Android SDK Change Log
Suggested Apps,Interstitial, Full-screen/Rewarded and Banners
24/06/2024 (v2.7.6.473)
Minor bug fixes & Consent Mechanism28/03/2024 (v2.7.5.473)
Minor bug fixes & Support in RU advertiser's information24/09/2023 (v2.7.1.473)
Minor bug fixes22/03/2023 (v2.7.0.473)
Support in Web Campaigns
Minor bug fixes07/02/2023 (v2.6.9.473)
MAX Applovin Adapter support
Minor bug fixes15/11/2022 (v2.6.8.473)
Minor bug fixes03/02/2022 (v2.6.5.473)
Adding Cache mechanism
Minor bug fixes and Improvements05/07/2021 (v2.6.1.473)
Adjustments for Android 11 & 12
Minor bug fixes24/04/2021 (v2.6.1.473)
- Bug fixes *
02/03/2021 (v2.6.0.473)
- Adding Callbacks to Native Ad unit*
21/02/2021 (v2.5.9.473)
- Support Specific Google Play Store Categories*
24/12/2020 (v2.5.8.473)
- Minor bug fixes*
10/12/2020 (v2.5.7.472)
- Minor bug fixes
19/11/2020 (v2.5.6.472)
- Add the option to remove the privacy icon in Native Ad
03/11/2020 (v2.5.5.472)
07/10/2020 (v2.5.4.472)
- Suggested Apps 2 rows
- Bug fixes
24/08/2020 (v2.5.3.472)
- Supporting API level 16
03/06/2020 (v2.5.2.472)
- Minor bug fixes
03/03/2020 (v2.5.1.472)
- Supporting level 21 API and above
- Suggested Apps ad unit can now show 5 Apps
20/11/2019 (v2.5.0.472)
- Supporting new Mopub
- Minor bug fixes
28/10/2019 (v2.4.9.472)
- Supporting new AdMob version
- Security Update
- Supporting a new way to open the Google Play Store
- Minor bug fixes
- ad unit "suggested apps" - added a missing callback for a click
- updated AdMob integration to the latest version
- updated MoPub integration to the latest version
- updated Android libraries to androidX
- NEW! ad unit "suggested apps"
- Native Ad improvement - supporting multiple ads on the same activity
- Minor bug fixes
15/11/2018 (v2.4.4.472)
- New Interstitial design and format - Single and Multi
- Automatic refresh of the banner per session
- Localized call-to-action string
- Minor bug fixes
02/10/2018 (v2.4.3.472)
- Fixes rare cases of ANRs triggered by the SDK
20/08/2018 (v2.4.2.472)
- Appnext SDK supports Android target SDK version 27
- Updated Google Play Services dependency to 15.0.0 and above
01/08/2018 (v2.4.2.471.2)
- Fixed an issue with the Interstitial back button functionality that caused the deprecated functions not to work
31/07/2018 (v2.4.2.471.1)
- The Interstitial ad unit
and theisSetBackButtonCanClose
functions are back in SDK, but in deprecated mode.29/07/2018 (v2.4.2.471)
- We removed the
and theisSetBackButtonCanClose
functions- An animated X button was added with a delay loader
- The Fullscreen ad unit X button is displayed with 2 seconds delay by default
- Loading inidcator added after call-to-action click
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
09/07/2018 (v2.4.1.471)
- Bug fixes
20/06/2018 (v2.4.0.471)
- Improvement to the banners ad unit GUI stack
- Minor UI touch-ups to the Interstitial ad unit
- We removed the Android target SDK requirement
- Minor bug fixes and performance improvement
17/05/2018 (v2.3.1.471)
- Fixed a bug related to the Interstitial onResume method
- Performance improvements
01/05/2018 (v2.3.0.469)
- Appnext SDK version that is GDPR compliant
- Added an interface to receive negative consent from a user
- EDAA OBA (ad-choices) icon is implemented for EU impression on all ad units
- Bug fixes and performance improvement
12/04/2018 (v2.2.5.468)
- Minor bug fixes
20/03/2018 (v2.2.4.467)
- Added support for Appnext innovative new campaign types
- Improved the interstitial close functionality
- Bug fixes
20/02/2018 (v2.2.3.467)
- The SDK now supports multi processes applications
08/02/2018 (v2.2.3.466)
- Support for Android API 14 was restored
- Fixed an issue where some strings didn't show up in the Banners ad unit
- Improved the video creative video handling in the 300x250 Banner size
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
14/12/2017 (v2.2.1.464)
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
27/11/2017 (v2.2.0.464)
- Introducing the new banners ad unit, now available in three sizes: 320x50, 320x100 and 300x250
- Interstitial ad unit now has mute/un-mute button
- We fixed an issue in the Fullscreen ad unit that causes clicks not open the store immediately
- The Rewarded ad unit mode is now "multi" by default - The selection pre-roll screen will show up by default
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
03/10/2017 (v2.1.1.463)
- Bug fixes
27/09/2017 (v2.1.0.463)
- Introducing Appnext whole new Rewarded and Fullscreen ad units!
- New mode in the Rewarded ad unit - where the user can choose the rewarded video that is about to be shown
- Global Video object was added, allowing control over the streaming mode and saving videos for caching
- The SDK supports API 17 and above, including Android 8
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
31/07/2017 (v2.0.6.462)
- Small bug fixes
17/07/2017 (v2.0.5.462)
- Introducing Appnext solution for in-app "header" bidding! You can now fetch the predicted ECPM value of the banner that is about to load before showing it
- Added new functionality to detect ad-fraud
- Fixed a minor issue that caused redundant waiting time after an ad-click event
- Performance improvements and other bug fixes
28/05/2017 (v2.0.2.459)
- Minor bug fixes
22/05/2017 (v2.0.2.458)
- Minor bug fixes
30/04/2017 (v2.0.2.457)
- Minor bug fixes
25/04/2017 (v2.0.2.456)
- Significant changes and focused on reducing the size of the SDK as well as improving the stability and performance of the SDK
- New Gradle repository - - Make sure you clear your Gradle cache
- SDK initialization was improved - please make sure to initialize the SDK on your app main activity
- Minor bug fixes
20/03/2017 (v2.0.1.455)
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
26/02/2017 (v2.0.0.453)
- The SDK now supports the new Appnext timeline campaign
- New intermediate privacy policy screen, with improved UI
- Fixed an issue when long description is overlaying the install button in the Rewarded/Fullscreen SDK Thank you page
- Other under-the-hood changes to improve stability and performance
25/12/2016 (v1.7.6)
- Bug fixes
11/12/2016 (v1.7.5)
- Bugs fixed
01/12/2016 (v1.7.4)
- Bugs fixed
- Performance improvement
27/11/2016 (v1.7.3)
- Changed error call back to pass an object instead of string
- Bug fixed
13/10/2016 (v1.7.1)
- New design for Interstitial portrait orientation
- Ad unit orientation is set according to application orientation
- Screen orientation locked to application orientation
- New 'setOrientation' property added to Interstitial unit configuration allowing the developer to display the ads in his preferred orientation if his application supports both landscape and portrait
- Bugs fixed
- New SDK version released
- Bugs fixed
- Gradle support
- Bugs fixed
- Ad unit orientation is set according to application orientation
- New 'setOrientation' property added to Full Screen and Rewarded ads configuration allowing the developer to display the ads in his preferred orientation if his application supports both landscape and portrait
- New Privacy Policy icon on Full Screen and Rewarded video screen
- Fixed problem with projects without google play service integration
- Bug fixes
- New templates
- Bugs fixed
- Change to the advanced settings section
- New SDK version
- Changes to the app manifest
- "White Screen" bug fixed
- Major bug fixed
- New SDK version
- Major bug fixed
- New SDK version
- New Integration Process
- Major bug fix
- Added the ability to configure a creative type (video, static, managed)
- Added an ability to set video play to manual
- Advanced configuration options added
- New SDK version
- Fixed minor bugs and improved performance
- New SDK version
- Changes to code added to the application tag
- Major performance improvements
- Enhanced device support
- Min' supported version is 4.0
- Caching before showing is now mandatory
- New SDK version is now available
- Small change to code added to the application tag
- Fix small bugs
15/11/2018 (v2.4.4.472)
- New Action added - Recharge
02/10/2018 (v2.4.3.472)
- Fixes rare cases of ANRs triggered by the SDK
20/08/2018 (v2.4.2.472)
- Appnext SDK supports Android target SDK version 27
- Updated Google Play Services dependency to 15.0.0 and above
01/08/2018 (v2.4.2.471.2)
- Alignment with the latest SDK version
31/07/2018 (v2.4.2.471.1)
- Alignment with the latest SDK version
29/07/2018 (v2.4.2.471)
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
09/07/2018 (v2.4.1.471)
- Bug fixes
01/05/2018 (v2.3.0.469)
- GDPR compliance
12/04/2018 (v2.2.5.468)
- Each action is now displayed with additional related actions in a new layout, displaying up to 15 apps
- Added a new "Popular" action
- Minor bug fixes
20/03/2018 (v2.2.4.467)
- Results page supports opening websites (in addition to apps)
03/10/2017 (v2.1.1.463)
- Bug fixes
27/09/2017 (v2.1.0.463)
- New action text - dynamic message
- New error message - “Slow connection”
- New repo URL
- Google Play services
- New error - action expired
Native Ads
Native Ads
- Native Ad improvement - supporting multiple ads on the same activity
- Minor bug fixes
15/11/2018 (v2.4.4.472)
- Minor bug fixes
02/10/2018 (v2.4.3.472)
- Fixes rare cases of ANRs triggered by the SDK
20/08/2018 (v2.4.2.472)
- Appnext SDK supports Android target SDK version 27
- Updated Google Play Services dependency to 15.0.0 and above
01/08/2018 (v2.4.2.471.2)
- Alignment with the latest SDK version
31/07/2018 (v2.4.2.471.1)
- Alignment with the latest SDK version
29/07/2018 (v2.4.2.471)
- When the
is set with none 16:9 ratio width/height, the creative is centered vertically and horizontally- The default background color of the
is set to black- Bug fixes and performance improvements
09/07/2018 (v2.4.1.471)
- Bug fixes
20/06/2018 (v2.4.0.471)
- We made some improvements to the native ad view MediaView asset
- We removed the Android target SDK requirement
- Minor bug fixes and performance improvement
17/05/2018 (v2.3.1.471)
- Performance improvements
01/05/2018 (v2.3.0.469)
- Appnext SDK version that is GDPR compliant
- Added an interface to receive negative consent from a user
- EDAA OBA (ad-choices) icon is implemented for EU impression
- Bug fixes and performance improvement
12/04/2018 (v2.2.5.468)
- Minor bug fixes
20/03/2018 (v2.2.4.467)
- Added support for Appnext innovative new campaign types
- Bug fixes
20/02/2018 (v2.2.3.467)
- The SDK now supports multi processes applications
08/02/2018 (v2.2.3.466)
Support for Android API 15 was restored
Fixed an issue related to the click event in the MediaView after the video has ended
Bug fixes and performance improvements
Bug fixes and performance improvements
14/12/2017 (v2.2.1.464)Bug fixes and performance improvements
27/11/2017 (v2.2.0.464)
- Introducing our "New Native Ads" - a completely re-designed native ad unit! We made the integration faster, smoother and more simple!
- The current native ads ad unit is deprecated and will be removed in 6 months, giving you enough time to switch to the new native ads
- Many bug fixes and performance improvements!
03/10/2017 (v2.1.1.463)
- Bug fixes
27/09/2017 (v2.1.0.463)
- The SDK supports API 17 and above, including Android 8
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
31/07/2017 (v2.0.6.462)
- Small bug fixes
17/07/2017 (v2.0.5.462)
- Introducing Appnext solution for in-app "header" bidding! You can know get the predicted ECPM and PPR values of the ad that is about to be showed by using new metadata functions
- Added new functionality to detect ad-fraud
- Fixed a minor issue that caused redundant waiting time after ad-click event
- Performance improvements and other bug fixes
01/06/2017 (v2.0.3.459)
- We fixed a minor issue that caused redundant waiting time after ad-click event
28/05/2017 (v2.0.2.459)
- Minor bug fixes
22/05/2017 (v2.0.2.458)
- Minor bug fixes
30/04/2017 (v2.0.2.457)
- Minor bug fixes
25/04/2017 (v2.0.2.456)
- Significant changes and focused on reducing the size of the SDK as well as improving the stability and performance of the SDK
- New Gradle repository - - Make sure you clear your Gradle cache
- Minor bug fixes
20/03/2017 (v2.0.1.455)
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
26/02/2017 (v2.0.0.453)
- The SDK now supports the new Appnext timeline campaign
- Added new interface function that launches a webview with the new privacy policy screen
- Fix the issue where multiple placements rotation could cause reporting discrepancies
- Other under-the-hood changes to improve stability and performance
24/01/2017 (v1.7.7)
- Fixed a minor issue that caused manifest file conflict
25/12/2016 (v1.7.6)
- Bug fixes
11/12/2016 (v1.7.5)
- Bug fixes
01/12/2016 (v1.7.4)
- Bug fixes
- Performance improvement
27/11/2016 (v1.7.3)
- Changed error call back to pass an object instead of string
- Bug fixes
01/11/2016 (v1.7.2)
- Added additional option to filter on creative type
- Improve Ads capping
- Bug fixes
- Improve ad capping
- Bug fixes
- Gradle support
- Minor bugs fixed
- Minor bugs fixed
- Wide Image 1200x628 was added as a creative asset
- New SDK version
- Added additional video options
- Reporting the "video started" event is now mandatory
- Major bug fixed
Mopub Adapter - Ads
Mopub Adapter (Interstitial, Fullscreen/Rewarded and Banners)
15/11/2018 (v2.4.4.472)
- Minor bug fixes
02/10/2018 (v2.4.3.472)
- Fixes rare cases of ANRs triggered by the SDK
20/08/2018 (v2.4.2.472)
- The adapter is aligned with the latest SDK version -
- Appnext SDK supports Android target SDK version 27
- Updated Google Play Services dependency to 15.0.0 and above
01/08/2018 (v2.4.2.471.2)
- Alignment with the latest SDK version
31/07/2018 (v2.4.2.471.1)
- Alignment with the latest SDK version
29/07/2018 (v2.4.2.471)
- The adapter is aligned with the latest SDK version -
09/07/2018 (v2.4.1.471)
- Bug fixes
20/06/2018 (v2.4.0.471)
- The adapter is aligned with the latest SDK version -
- The adapter is compatible with Mopub Android SDK version 5.1.0
- Example project was updated
- Performance improvements
17/05/2018 (v2.3.1.471)
- The adapter is aligned with the latest SDK version -
- Performance improvements
01/05/2018 (v2.3.0.469)
- The adapter is aligned with the latest SDK version -
- Bug fixes and performance improvement
12/04/2018 (v2.2.5.468)
- The adapter is aligned with the latest SDK version -
- Minor bug fixes
20/03/2018 (v2.2.4.467)
- The adapter is aligned with the latest SDK version -
20/02/2018 (v2.2.3.467)
- The SDK now supports multi processes applications
08/02/2018 (v2.2.3.466)
- Example project was added to the adapter page
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
14/12/2017 (v2.2.1.464)
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
27/11/2017 (v2.2.0.464)
- The adapter is aligned with the latest SDK version -
- The adapter supports the new banners ad unit
03/10/2017 (v2.1.1.463)
- Bug fixes
27/09/2017 (v2.1.0.463)
- The SDK supports API 17 and above, including Android 8
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
14/08/2017 (v2.0.6.462)
- The adapter is aligned with Appnext latest SDK version
- Added new functionality to detect ad-fraud
- Fixed a minor issue that caused redundant waiting time after ad-click event
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
28/05/2017 (v2.0.2.459)
- Bug fixes
22/05/2017 (v2.0.2.458)
- Bug fixes
30/04/2017 (v2.0.2.457)
- Minor bug fix
27/04/2017 (v2.0.2.456)
- Significant changes and focused on reducing the size of the SDK as well as improving the stability and performance of the SDK
- The Mopub adapter now supports Mopub's Rewarded video ad units
- Updated custom event class strings
- Bug fixes
20/03/2017 (v2.0.1.455)
- The adapter now supports the new Appnext timeline campaign
- New intermediate privacy policy screen, with improved UI
- Fixed an issue when long description is overlaying the install button in the Rewarded/Fullscreen SDK Thank you page
- Other under-the-hood changes to improve stability and performance
03/01/2016 (v1.7.7)
- Bug fixes
02/11/2016 (v1.7.1)
- New design for Interstitial portrait orientation
- Ad unit orientation is set according to application orientation
- Screen orientation locked to application orientation
- New 'setOrientation' property added to Interstitial unit configuration allowing the developer to display the ads in his preferred orientation if his application supports both landscape and portrait
- Bugs fixed
- Bugs fixed
- New release
Mopub Adapter - Native Ads
Mopub Adapter (Native Ads)
15/11/2018 (v2.4.4.472)
- Minor bug fixes
02/10/2018 (v2.4.3.472)
- Fixes rare cases of ANRs triggered by the SDK
20/08/2018 (v2.4.2.472)
- The adapter is aligned with the latest SDK version -
- Appnext SDK supports Android target SDK version 27
- Updated Google Play Services dependency to 15.0.0 and above
01/08/2018 (v2.4.2.471.2)
- Alignment with the latest SDK version
31/07/2018 (v2.4.2.471.1)
- Alignment with the latest SDK version
29/07/2018 (v2.4.2.471)
- The adapter is aligned with the latest SDK version -
09/07/2018 (v2.4.1.471)
- Bug fixes
20/06/2018 (v2.4.0.471)
- The adapter is aligned with the latest SDK version -
- The adapter is compatible with Mopub Android SDK version 5.1.0
- Example project was updated
- Performance improvements
17/05/2018 (v2.3.1.471)
- The adapter is aligned with the latest SDK version -
- Performance improvements
01/05/2018 (v2.3.0.469)
- The adapter is aligned with the latest SDK version -
- Bug fixes and performance improvement
12/04/2018 (v2.2.5.468)
- The adapter is aligned with the latest SDK version -
- Minor bug fixes
20/03/2018 (v2.2.4.467)
- The adapter is aligned with the latest SDK version -
20/02/2018 (v2.2.3.467)
- The SDK now supports multi processes applications
08/02/2018 (v2.2.3.466)
- Native Ads adapter supports RecyclerView
- Example project was added to the adapter page
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
14/12/2017 (v2.2.1.464)
- Appnext custom event listener is added to the adapter. "Click" and "Impression" events are now passed in addition to "loaf" and "fail" events callbacks
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
27/11/2017 (v2.2.0.464)
- The adapter is aligned with the latest SDK version -
- The adapter supports the new native ads with a new EVENT CLASS NAME
- Old native ads EVENT CLASS NAME is still supported to maintain old integrations
03/10/2017 (v2.1.1.463)
- Bug fixes
27/09/2017 (v2.1.0.463)
- The SDK supports API 17 and above, including Android 8
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
14/08/2017 (v2.0.6.462)
- The adapter is aligned with Appnext latest Native Ads SDK version
- Added new functionality to detect ad-fraud
- Fixed a minor issue that caused redundant waiting time after ad-click event
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
28/05/2017 (v2.0.2.459)
- Bug fixes
22/05/2017 (v2.0.2.458)
- Bug fixes
30/04/2017 (v2.0.2.457)
- Minor bug fixes
26/04/2017 (v2.0.2.456)
- Significant changes and focused on reducing the size of the SDK as well as improving the stability and performance of the SDK
- Updated custom event class strings
- Bug fixes
20/03/2017 (v2.0.1.455)
- The adapter now supports the new Appnext timeline campaign
- Added new interface function that launches a webview with the new privacy policy screen
- Custom event class name changed
- Other under-the-hood changes to improve stability and performance
- Adapter is now integrated within the Appnext SDK
- Custom event class name changed
- Improve Ads capping
- Bugs fixed
- New release
Admob adapter - Ads
Admob Adapter (Interstitial, Fullscreen/Rewarded and Banners)
15/11/2018 (v2.4.4.472)
- Minor bug fixes
02/10/2018 (v2.4.3.472)
- Fixes rare cases of ANRs triggered by the SDK
20/08/2018 (v2.4.2.472)
- The adapter is aligned with the latest SDK version -
- Appnext SDK supports Android target SDK version 27
- Updated Google Play Services dependency to 15.0.0 and above
01/08/2018 (v2.4.2.471.2)
- Alignment with the latest SDK version
31/07/2018 (v2.4.2.471.1)
- Alignment with the latest SDK version
29/07/2018 (v2.4.2.471)
- The adapter is aligned with the latest SDK version -
09/07/2018 (v2.4.1.471)
- Bug fixes
20/06/2018 (v2.4.0.471)
- The adapter is aligned with the latest SDK version -
- Performance improvements
17/05/2018 (v2.3.1.471)
- The adapter is aligned with the latest SDK version -
- Performance improvements
01/05/2018 (v2.3.0.469)
- The adapter is aligned with the latest SDK version -
- Bug fixes and performance improvement
12/04/2018 (v2.2.5.468)
- The adapter is aligned with the latest SDK version -
- Minor bug fixes
20/03/2018 (v2.2.4.467)
- The adapter is aligned with the latest SDK version -
20/02/2018 (v2.2.3.467)
- The SDK now supports multi processes applications
08/02/2018 (v2.2.3.466)
- Example project was added to the adapter page
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
14/12/2017 (v2.2.1.464)
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
27/11/2017 (v2.2.0.464)
- The adapter is aligned with the latest SDK version -
- The adapter supports the new banners ad unit
03/10/2017 (v2.1.1.463)
- Bug fixes
27/09/2017 (v2.1.0.463)
- The SDK supports API 17 and above, including Android 8
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
14/08/2017 (v2.0.6.462)
- The adapter is aligned with Appnext latest SDK version
- Added new functionality to detect ad-fraud
- Fixed a minor issue that caused redundant waiting time after ad-click event
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
28/05/2017 (v2.0.2.459)
- Bug fixes
22/05/2017 (v2.0.2.458)
- Bug fixes
30/04/2017 (v2.0.2.457)
- Significant changes and focused on reducing the size of the SDK as well as improving the stability and performance of the SDK
- The Admob adapter now supports Admob Rewarded video ad unit
- Updated custom event class strings
- Bug fixes
20/03/2017 (v2.0.1.455)
- The adapter now supports the new Appnext timeline campaign
- New intermediate privacy policy screen, with improved UI
- Fixed an issue when long description is overlaying the install button in the Rewarded/Fullscreen SDK Thank you page
- Other under-the-hood changes to improve stability and performance
03/01/2017 (v1.7.7)
- Bug fixes
18/12/2016 (v1.7.5)
- Bugs fixed
02/11/2016 (v1.7.1)
- New design for Interstitial portrait orientation
- Ad unit orientation is set according to application orientation
- Screen orientation locked to application orientation
- New 'setOrientation' property added to Interstitial unit configuration allowing the developer to display the ads in his preferred orientation if his application supports both landscape and portrait
- Bugs fixed
- New release
iOS SDK Change Log
Interstitial, Fullscreen/Rewarded and Banners
26/11/2018 (v1.9.3)
- Minor bug fixes and performance improvements
22/08/2018 (v1.9.2)
- Added the ability to decide on the App Store open method; within the app or externally
- Minor bug fixes and performance improvements
27/05/2018 (v1.9.1)
- Added a loading indication after the end-user clicks a banner
- Removed the
setter from the Interstitial ad unit- Fixed an issue in the example projects that prevented them to be compiled
- Other minor bug fixes and network performance improvements
09/04/2018 (v1.9.0)
- Introducing the new banners ad unit, now available in three sizes: 320x50, 320x100 and 300x250
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
10/01/2018 (v1.8.3.1)
- Minor bug fixes
26/10/2017 (v1.8.3)
- Bug fixes
14/05/2017 (v1.8.2)
- The SDK now supports Mopub and Admob Rewarded ad units
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Minor changes and bug fixes
20/03/2017 (v1.8.1)
- Video length method name was change from "default" to "managed"
- There is no longer a need to initialize the SDK
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
13/02/2017 (v1.8.0)
- New intermediate privacy policy screen, with improved UI
- Fixed an issue when long description is overlaying the install button in the Rewarded/Fullscreen SDK Thank you page
- Added under the hood tweaks to support the new Mopub Native Ads SDK adapter
18/12/2016 (v1.7.5)
- Bug fixes
28/11/2016 (v1.7.3)
- Changed error call back to pass an object instead of string
- Bug fixes
- New design for Interstitial portrait orientation
- New look and design for Interstitial ads landscape orientation
- Screen orientation locked to application orientation
- New 'preferredOrientation' property added to Interstitial ads allowing the developer to display the ads in his preferred orientation if his application supports both landscape and portrait
- New design for the "thank you page" of Fullscreen and Rewarded Ad units
- Bug fixes
- Bugs fixed
- New look and design for Fullscreen and Rewarded ads portrait orientation
- Screen orientation locked to application orientation
- New 'preferredOrientation' property added to Fullscreen and Rewarded ads configuration allowing the developer to display the ads (Fullscreen and Rewarded only) in his preferred orientation if his application supports both landscape and portrait
- New Privacy Policy icon on Full Screen and Rewarded video screen.
- Remove of the need to add -ObjC linker flag (integration step 4).
- Remove the need to add device orientations to integrating project (integration step 6).
- Remove 'MediaPlayer.framework' from required frameworks.
- Add 'QuartzCore.framework' to required frameworks.
- Fix support for ipv6 only networks.
- Bug fixes
- New templates
- Bug fixes
Native Ads
Native Ads SDK
26/11/2018 (v1.9.3)
- Minor bug fixes and performance improvements
22/08/2018 (v1.9.2)
- Added the ability to decide on the App Store open method; within the app or externally
- Minor bug fixes and performance improvements
27/05/2018 (v1.9.1)
- Fixed an issue in the example projects that prevented them to be compiled
- Other minor bug fixes and network performance improvements
09/04/2018 (v1.9.0)
- Minor bug fixes
10/01/2018 (v1.8.3.1)
- Minor bug fixes
26/10/2017 (v1.8.3)
- Bug fixes
14/05/2017 (v1.8.2)
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
20/03/2017 (v1.8.1)
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
13/02/2017 (v1.8.0)
- Added new interface function that launches a webview with the new privacy policy screen
- Added under the hood changes to support the new Mopub native ads adapter
18/12/2016 (v1.7.5)
- Bugs fixed
28/11/2016 (v1.7.3)
- Changed error call back to pass an object instead of string
- Bugs fixed
- Added additional option to filter on creative type
- Improve Ads capping
- Bugs fixed
- First release
Mopub Adapter - Ads
Mopub Adapter (Interstitial, Fullscreen/Rewarded and Banners)
26/11/2018 (v1.9.3)
- Minor bug fixes and performance improvements
22/08/2018 (v1.9.2)
- Added the ability to decide on the App Store open method; within the app or externally
- Mopub adapter supports Mopub iOS SDK version 5.3.0
- Added relevant new
server config and client config- Minor bug fixes and performance improvements
27/05/2018 (v1.9.1)
- The adapter is aligned with the latest iOS SDK (1.9.1)
- Minor bug fixes
09/04/2018 (v1.9.0)
- Added new adapter for the new Banners ad unit
- Adapter is aligned to Mopub SDK version 4.20.x
- Minor bug fixes
10/01/2018 (v1.8.3.1)
- Version supports Mopub SDK
- Minor bug fixes
26/10/2017 (v1.8.3)
- Bug fixes
14/05/2017 (v1.8.2)
- The adapter now supports Mopub Rewarded Ad unit
- Alignment of the adapter to the latest SDK version
- Minor changes and bug fixes
20/03/2017 (v1.8.1)
- Alignment of the adapter to the latest SDK version
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
13/02/2017 (v1.8.0)
- Alignment of the adapter to the latest SDK version
18/12/2016 (v1.7.5)
- Bug fixes
- New design for the "thank you page" of Fullscreen and Rewarded Ad units
- New look and design for Interstitial ads landscape orientation
- Ad unit orientation is set according to application orientation
- Screen orientation locked to application orientation
- New 'setOrientation' property added to Interstitial unit configuration allowing the developer to display the ads in his preferred orientation if his application supports both landscape and portrait
- Bug fixes
- New release
Mopub Adapter - Native Ads
Mopub Adapter (Native Ads)
26/11/2018 (v1.9.3)
- Minor bug fixes and performance improvements
22/08/2018 (v1.9.2)
- Added the ability to decide on the App Store open method; within the app or externally
- Mopub adapter supports Mopub iOS SDK version 5.3.0
- Added relevant new
server config and client config- Minor bug fixes and performance improvements
27/05/2018 (v1.9.1)
- The adapter is aligned with the latest iOS SDK (1.9.1)
- Minor bug fixes
09/04/2018 (v1.9.0)
- Adapter is aligned to Mopub SDK version 4.20.x
- Minor bug fixes
10/01/2018 (v1.8.3.1)
- Version supports Mopub SDK
- Minor bug fixes
26/10/2017 (v1.8.3)
- Bug fixes
14/05/2017 (v1.8.2)
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
20/03/2017 (v1.8.1)
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
13/02/2017 (v1.8.0)
- New release!
iOS Admob Adapter - Ads
Admob Adapter (Interstitial, Fullscreen/Rewarded and Banners)
26/11/2018 (v1.9.3)
- Minor bug fixes and performance improvements
22/08/2018 (v1.9.2)
- Added the ability to decide on the App Store open method; within the app or externally
- Minor bug fixes and performance improvements
27/05/2018 (v1.9.1)
- The adapter is aligned with the latest iOS SDK (1.9.1)
- Minor bug fixes
09/04/2018 (v1.9.0)
- Added new adapter for the new Banners ad unit
- Minor bug fixes
10/01/2018 (v1.8.3.1)
- Minor bug fixes
26/10/2017 (v1.8.3)
- Bug fixes
14/05/2017 (v1.8.2)
- The adapter now supports Admob Rewarded Ad unit
- Alignment of the adapter to the latest SDK version
- Minor changes and bug fixes
20/03/2017 (v1.8.1)
- Alignment of the adapter to the latest SDK version
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
13/02/2017 (v1.8.0)
- Alignment of the adapter to the latest SDK version
18/12/2016 (v1.7.5)
- Bug fixes
- New look and design for Interstitial ads landscape orientation
- Ad unit orientation is set according to application orientation
- Screen orientation locked to application orientation
- New look and design for Interstitial ads landscape orientation
- New design for the "thank you page" of Fullscreen and Rewarded Ad units
- Bug fixes
- New release
Mobile Web Change Log
- Added support to place the js tag within an app, using webview
- Added support for DFP macros
- Auto-play functionality is now aligned according to latest browsers policy (video will auto play when muted)
- Changed domains when working with ad servers
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Added support to use the Interstitial together with other Mobile Web tags
- Added onError parameter to invoke JS function when the impressions is not filled (unlikely)
- Videos are now auto-playing on mute by default
- New param added for Ad Server Integration
- New templates
- Fixed bugs
- Changed the tag code
- Improved support for iOS
- Added a default black background image for the video
- Added improved support for landscape orientation
- Added the 'sub_id' attribute to the tag
- Improved the support for different browsers
- Layout improvements
- Fixed bugs and improved performance
- Added a new parameter for setting the creative type (video, image, managed)
- Image placeholder is now displayed for most videos
- Fixed bugs and improved performance
Carousel Widget 300x250
Carousel Widget 300x250
- Added support to add more than one Mobile Web tag, and the same tag twice
- Added onError parameter to invoke JS function when the impressions is not filled (unlikely)
- Videos are now auto-playing on mute by default
- The ad unit has new name: Carousel Widget 300x250
- Improve ad capping
- Impression fired when 50% of the unit in the view
- Bugs fixed
- Bugs fixed
Recommendation Widget
Recommendation Widget
- Added support to add more than one Mobile Web tag and the same tag twice
- Added onError parameter to invoke JS function when the impressions is not filled (unlikely)
Classic Banner 320x50
Classic Banner 320x50
- It is now possible to pass AAID and IDFA values as tags parameters
- onError callback now returns an Error string
- The tag is hidden when there are no ads
Unity Plugin
Unity Plugin
14/05/2016 (v2.0.2 Android 1.8.2 iOS)
- The plugin now supports the latest Android SDK with the new Timeline features
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
02/11/2016 (v1.7.1)
- New design for Interstitial portrait orientation
- Ad unit orientation is set according to application orientation
- Screen orientation locked to application orientation
- New 'setOrientation' property added to Interstitial unit configuration allowing the developer to display the ads in his preferred orientation if his application supports both landscape and portrait
- Bugs fixed
- New SDK updated
- Bugs fixed
Adobe Air Plugin
Adobe Air Plugin
09/05/2018 (v.3.2.0)
- The plugin is aligned with Android SDK version and iOS SDK version 1.9.0
- Banners ad unit support added to iOS apps
24/01/2018 (v3.19)
- The plugin is aligned with Android SDK version and iOS SDK version 1.8.3
- The plugin supports Native Ads and Banners ad unit in Android apps only
20/11/2017 (v3.1.0)
- The plugin is aligned with Android SDK version and iOS SDK version 1.8.3
06/09/2017 (v3.0.0)
- The plugin is aligned with Android SDK version and iOS SDK version 1.8.2
- The plugin now supports the latest Appnext Android SDK with the new Timeline features!
- Major bug fixes and performance improvements
- New SDK updated
- Bugs fixed
Cordova (Phonegap) Plugin
Cordova (Phonegap) Plugin
24/05/2017 (v2.0.2 Android 1.8.2 iOS)
- The plugin is now aligned to the latest iOS SDK and Android SDK
- Performance and bug fixes
02/11/2016 (v1.7.1)
- New design for Interstitial portrait orientation
- Ad unit orientation is set according to application orientation
- Screen orientation locked to application orientation
- New 'setOrientation' property added to Interstitial unit configuration allowing the developer to display the ads in his preferred orientation if his application supports both landscape and portrait
- Bugs fixed
- New release
Updated 9 months ago