Rewarded and Fullscreen Video

iOS SDK Admob Adapter - Rewarded/Fullscreen video ad unit


Before you begin!

Make sure that you have completed the iOS Admob Adapter installation before you begin integrating the Rewarded/Fullscreen video ad unit

Integrating the Rewarded/Fullscreen video ad unit

Step 1: Add import statement

Add the following import statement in your pre-compiled header. If your application is written in swift add it to your bridging-header.

#import <AppnextAdMobAdapter/AppnextAdMobAdapter.h>

Step 2 (optional): Additional configuration

Advanced ad unit configuration
The Appnext SDK provides an option to change the ad unit’s configuration.

By default, the SDK configuration will be loaded from Appnext's server, but you can choose to
change it directly by adding the Interstitial configuration object to the custom event’s extras:

For FullScreen ad unit:

AppnextFullScreenVideoAdConfiguration *config = [[AppnextFullScreenVideoAdConfiguration alloc] init];
config.categories = @"Action";
config.postback = @"YOUR_POSTBACK_HERE";
config.buttonText = @"Install";
config.buttonColor = @"#ffffff";
config.progressType = ANProgressTypeDefault;
config.progressColor = @"#ffffff";
config.videoLength = ANVideoLengthDefault;
config.mute = NO;
config.preferredOrientation = kPreferredOrientationTypeStringAutomatic;
config.clickInApp = YES;
NSDictionary *appnextDict = @{kAppnextConfigurationExtraKey: config};

GADRequest *request = [GADRequest request];
GADCustomEventExtras *extras = [[GADCustomEventExtras alloc] init];
[extras setExtras:appnextDict forLabel:@"CustomisedCustomEventFullScreenVideo"];
[request registerAdNetworkExtras:extras];
[self.customEventCustomisedFullScreen loadRequest:request];

For Rewarded ad unit:

AppnextRewardedVideoAdConfiguration *config = [[AppnextRewardedVideoAdConfiguration alloc] init];
config.categories = @"Action";
config.postback = @"YOUR_POSTBACK_HERE";
config.buttonText = @"Install";
config.buttonColor = @"#ffffff";
config.progressType = ANProgressTypeBar;
config.progressColor = @"#ffffff";
config.videoLength = ANVideoLengthManaged;
config.closeDelay = 5.0;
config.showClose = NO;
config.mute = NO;
config.clickInApp = YES;
config.preferredOrientation = kPreferredOrientationTypeStringAutomatic;
AppnextRewardedServerSidePostbackParams *params = [[AppnextRewardedServerSidePostbackParams alloc] init];
params.rewardsTransactionId = @"your_rewardsTransactionId";
params.rewardsUserId = @"your_rewardsUserId";
params.rewardsRewardTypeCurrency = @"your_rewardsRewardTypeCurrency";
params.rewardsAmountRewarded = @"your_rewardsAmountRewarded";
params.rewardsCustomParameter = @"your_rewardsCustomParameter";

AppnextAdMobExtras *extras = [[AppnextAdMobExtras alloc] init];
extras.config = config;
extras.rewardParams = params;

[request registerAdNetworkExtras:extras];
[[GADRewardBasedVideoAd sharedInstance] loadRequest:request withAdUnitID:kRealRewardedAdUnitID];

An example of how to do that can be find in the methods of the example project


List of configurable options

Button Text
The install button's text (default is "Install")

Button Color
The install button's color - a 6 hex chars starting with # (default is "#6AB344")

Set preferred ad categories

Click in-app
Determines the App Store loading method, when set to "YES" - the App Store will open "in-app" within the running app, Otherwise the App Store will open outside the running app

Install Postback
Postback parameters that will be posted to your server after user installed an app (make sure to encode the values)

Mute Video
Mute the video which is played in the ad (default is "false")

  • true
  • false

Progress Type
Choose progress type, or hide it (default is ANProgressTypeClock)

  • ANProgressTypeDefault
  • ANProgressTypeClock
  • ANProgressTypeBar
  • ANProgressTypeNone

Progress Color
Set progress bar / clock color. 6 characters hex starting with # (default is #ffffff)

Show Close Button
Display or hide the "x'' (close) button

  • YES
  • NO

Video length
Set video length - 15 or 30 seconds long (default is ANVideoLengthDefault)

  • ANVideoLengthDefault - Up to 15 seconds long videos
  • ANVideoLengthShort - 20-60 seconds long videos
  • ANVideoLengthLong - Appnext's algorithm priority. Any available video campaign will be served

Please note that if no SHORT type length videos are available, long videos will be served.

Preferred Orientation
Set the preferred orientation if both landscape and portrait are supported by the application (default is kPreferredOrientationTypeStringAutomatic)

  • kPreferredOrientationTypeStringAutomatic = @''automatic''
  • kPreferredOrientationTypeStringLandscape = @''landscape''
  • kPreferredOrientationTypeStringPortrait = @''portrait''
  • kPreferredOrientationTypeStringNotSet = @''not_set''

Step 3: Server-side postback – Rewarded Video Ad only

You can choose to receive server-side postbacks whenever a user finishes watching a video ("video ended'' event). The "video ended'' event will serve as a trigger for the reward action.

Please note that in addition to configuring the postback in this integration process, you will also need to set your postback URL on the Appnext Self-Service platform (under the "Apps'' page / app "Settings & Placements'' / "Advanced Settings').

  • Make sure to encode all values passed in each function.
  • Passing a value, for at least one function, is mandatory.
AppnextRewardedServerSidePostbackParams *params = [[AppnextRewardedServerSidePostbackParams alloc] init];
params.rewardsTransactionId = @"your_rewardsTransactionId";
params.rewardsUserId = @"your_rewardsUserId";
params.rewardsRewardTypeCurrency = @"your_rewardsRewardTypeCurrency";
params.rewardsAmountRewarded = @"your_rewardsAmountRewarded";
params.rewardsCustomParameter = @"your_rewardsCustomParameter";
NSDictionary *appnextDict = @{kAppnextConfigurationExtraKey: config,
                              kAppnextRewardPostbackExtraKey: params};
GADRequest *request = [GADRequest request];
GADCustomEventExtras *extras = [[GADCustomEventExtras alloc] init];
[extras setExtras:appnextDict forLabel:@"CustomisedCustomEventRewardedVideo"];
[request registerAdNetworkExtras:extras];
[self.customEventCustomisedRewarded loadRequest:request];

Step 4: login to your AdMob account and configure Appnext

As explained above, you must have an AdMob account, and an associated app within this account, in order to integrate Appnext.

Step 5: select your app and click to monetize it

  • Within your AdMob account, press the ‘Monetize’ tab and choose your app from the ‘All apps’ list:
  • Press the ‘Monetize new app’ button in order to add your app to AdMob platform:

Step 6: create an ad unit

  • Select your app for which you want to add a new ad unit from your app list on the left side menu:
  • Click on “New ad Unit” from the app screen:
  • Configure your new ad unit:
    For Fullscreen Video:
    a. Choose “Interstitial” as the format of your ad unit
    b. Enter a name for your ad unit
    c. Click the “Save” button

For Rewarded Video:
a. Choose “Rewarded Video” as the format of your ad unit
b. Enter a name for your ad unit
c. Click the “Save” button


Step 7: add an ad source

  • Choose the ‘Ad unit’ you want to add Appnext’s custom event from the ‘Ad units’ list by pressing its ‘ad sources’ link:
  • Press the ‘+ New ad network’ button In order to add Appnext:

Step 8:Add a custom event

In the ‘New ad network’ page press the ‘+ Custom event’ button:


Step 9: Configure the custom event

  • In the ‘Custom Event’ details fill the following details:
    a. ‘Class Name’ should be:
// For Fullscreen:
// And for Rewarded: 

b. ‘Label’ is just the name you give for Appnext ad network in this ad unit.
c. ‘Parameter’ should be the PLACEMENT ID; you copied in the previous steps from your Appnext account

  • Finally press ‘Continue’ in the bottom of the page.
  • Click the "Save" button in the "Mediation" page to save the newly added ‘Ad Network‘:

Step 10: Configure eCPM

You should allocate the Appnext eCPM manually in order for Appnext to show ads in your AdMob SDK.
You can configure the eCPM for the Appnext network in the ‘Mediation’ page and press ‘Save’ after each change:


Step 11: You’re all done!

Your AdMob SDK should start showing Appnext ads immediately. If Appnext ads are not shown, check the eCPM allocation and make sure it’s high enough so it will give Appnext priority.


Important Note

Each placement has a Placement ID. If you integrate multiple placements, you will need to use a different Placement ID for each.

App Categories

1. Action
2. Adventure
3. Arcade
4. Board
5. Books
6. Business
7. Card
8. Casino
9. Catalogs
10. Dice
11. Education
12. Educational
13. Entertainment
14. Family
15. Finance
16. Food & Drink
17. Graphics & Design
18. Health & Fitness
19. Kids
20. Lifestyle
21. Medical
22. Music
23. Navigation
24. News
25. Photo & Video
26. Productivity
27. Puzzle
28. Racing
29. Reference
30. Role Playing
31. Simulation
32. Social Networking
33. Sports
34. Strategy
35. Travel
36. Trivia
37. Utilities
38. Weather

Make sure to encode (%20) categories with more than 1 word, example: Travel%20%26%20Local

Integration Support

Should you have any problems integrating the product, log a ticket with us by emailing